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About Us

A modern lifestyle brand inspired by natüre and cultural heritage

Inspired by mant details around the world, we hihglight the rich Islamic culture and honor it with new modern interpretations. We create elegant, timeless designs with the basic scarves used in Daily life that we present in our “heritage” collection

Get comfortable elegance by using IMANNOOR’s all-natural scarves. Let the unique touch of silk give you a feeling of endless confidence.

The Imannoor Token of Love

IMANNOOR is a symbol of expressing ourselves in an uncompromising style and of love that remind us tos tay to our natüre. This symbol comes to life in the name IMANNOOR, with the combination of “IMAN”, meaning to have peace of heart due to faith and “NOOR”, referring to the Divine Light (one who enlightens and lights up the universe). This symbolism is embroidered on each item and product with the brand’s identity through intertwined “O”s.

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