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Explicit Consent Form Regarding the Transfer of Personal Data Abroad

During the utilization of the Website belonging to the data controller ("Website"),[] as in the capacity of the data controller "[]" under the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 ("PDPL"), I have read the Clarification Text on the Website about what personal data can be processed for visitors and users, processing purposes, how personal data can be collected, the use of cookies and other issues related to the protection of personal data.

If I approve this Open Consent Text, I have understood that my personal data may be transferred to third-party service providers specified below and located abroad in accordance with the processing conditions and purposes specified in the Clarification Text, as specified in the section entitled "Transfer of Personal Data Abroad" of the Clarification Text.

Third-Party Service Providers to Whom Personal Data Will be Transferred Abroad, and Personal Data That May Be the Subject of Transfer:

Google Universal Analytics ("GUA" ): [] utilizes the Google Universal Analytics service provided by Google Inc, headquartered in the United States, with the endeavour of analysing the Website's performance and how it is used. In order to provide this service, Google Universal Analytics may process the location, browser, operating system and IP addresses of the devices of website visitors with cookies.

Mailchimp: [] utilizes The Mailchimp Platform established by The Rocket Science Group LCC, headquartered in the United States, as an electronic messaging service provider to send e-newsletters to people who have approved a commercial electronic permit. Mailchimp processes the email addresses and email addresses of people in order to provide this service. I have understood that I can withdraw my explicit consent to transfer my personal data abroad by emailing [] and changing my cookie preferences from the Cookie Settings at any time.

I have read, understood, and approved the Clarification Text and the Explicit Consent Text for the Transfer of Personal Data Abroad. Regarding article 9, paragraph 1 of PDPL, I consent to the processing and transfer of my personal data abroad and the transfer of this personal data abroad in the ways and for the purposes in accordance with the Clarification Text purposes specified in the Open Consent Text and abroad.